Hills That We Climbed
"We had joy, we had fun. We had seasons in the sun."
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
"Sir, Abhi Naya Hun", and the Future of Quick Commerce
Last month, I faced a similar annoying delivery boy who took ages to reach my place. He called me 3-4 times to ask for the way while he was showing just 3 minutes away from my place. I tried to cancel the order but since the delivery was out, the platform did not allow me to cancel. I decided to wait till I get the package before I make a complaint. He finally arrived an hour late after multiple phone calls. When he handed me the carry-bag and turned to go back, after a moment he turned and came back to me and said, "Sir, Abhi Naya Bharti Hua Na, To Samajh Nahi Aya, Late Ho Gaya". I was touched and my anger vanished instantly. I even felt guilty of planning to raise a complaint, and I decided to forget the incident.
Although I do not always feel guilty in such cases where the blame lies on the other person, but I have forgiven these delivery guys for their poor service as a rule. After some experiences, I had realized that these guys are many times new recruits with little training or experience, and many would be from nearby villages, working in a big city for the first time. Many of them are not used to the technology too and also not aware of the localities they have to travel to. Hence, as a practice I try to forgive and move on.
I have never seen any food delivery company claiming to be excellent in delivery experience, but I am sure there is a hidden mess within their services. Their poor services are hidden behind the shiny colorful brand logos and tiny tapes binding the food packages to keep those intact. Quick commerce is not new by now and we have been using it for years, and it is a miracle that their processes and service still feel like in "year one". A major reason for this would be huge churning of delivery talent, as this job does not provide them with a stable and sustainable career. Over last couple of years I have seen many students and young men into delivering items in the evening, as a part-time job for a couple of hours to fund their expenses. We also see a few women who are working as delivery personnel. If we think of how these people are trying to earn their livelihood, 20 rupees at a time, it is something worth empathizing with. May be just like we collect some of the bad experiences into our memory with time, these delivery people are also collecting their own bad memories. All customers are not well behaved and do not always forgive. Many customers are rude, and they shout and treat them badly too. Therefore, whenever possible for us, we customers can choose to forgive and forget too, for the sake of our overall society.
These days I am trying to avoid or order less from the quick commerce, and it is a constant struggle. But over last couple of days I have noticed a strange pattern. While handing over the items, the delivery boys who are of younger age, are trying to look inside the house, as if trying to ascertain the wealth, and it felt scary. This has prompted me to take my "avoid quick commerce" and "walk to the shops" initiative more seriously. Only time can tell how successful I am, but sometimes this whole quick commerce model feels so inconvenient for both the customers and the delivery guys both. We can ignore convenience even if it goes against our natural "habit formation", but when it comes to "risks", it is an entirely different thing.
I think the final word has not been said yet in the success or failure of the quick commerce model. But is it really necessary to push an unsustainable, unhealthy, bad for the environment, stressful and many times inconvenient and risky adventure into making it "the next big thing"?
- Rahul Tiwary
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Valentine's Day 2025: Five Love Quotes from Sawla Sitara by Anumita Sharma
Love is around the corner, as they say, since Valentine's Day has come. While you get prepared for the ‘V-day’, here are some interesting ‘love quotes’ from recently launched ‘Sawla Sitara’, a Hindi romance-novel by author Anumita Sharma. You can read more about the book on my blog here.
Amazing ‘Love Quotes’ from Anumita Sharma in Sawla Sitara (2025):
“अगर दुःख एक साथ नहीं झेला तो प्यार का क्या मतलब है?” - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
“केवल प्रेम ही संचित दर्द से मुक्ति दे सकता है।” - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
“प्यार लेना नहीं बल्कि देना है। अंत में प्यार के बदले हमेशा प्यार मिलता है।” - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
“क्या यह अजीब नहीं है कि हम सभी, जो जीवन के इस सागर में बह रहे हैं, यह मानते हैं कि हम भविष्य में तट पर पहुँच जायेंगे?” - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
“लेकिन क्या सभी लड़कियाँ दुष्ट प्रभावों से आकर्षित नहीं होतीं?” - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
Let us know how do you like these quotes? And if you find these interesting, search for the book on popular online book selling sites like Amazon and Padhega India, and get your own copy now!
- Rahul
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book Review: साँवला सितारा (लेखिका - अनुमिता शर्मा)
'साँवला सितारा' हाल ही में प्रकाशित एक 'रोमांटिक उपन्यास' है जिसे अनुमिता शर्मा ने लिखा है। यह हिंदी उपन्यास अंजुमन प्रकाशन द्वारा पाठकों के लिए उपलब्ध कराया गया है और ऑनलाइन पोर्टल्स पर पसंद किया जा रहा है। एक बेहद सुन्दर कवर के साथ प्रकाशित यह पुस्तक 'जेन-ज़ी' को खासकर अपील करती है और 'वैलेंटाइन डे' के उपलक्ष में अत्यधिक प्रासंगिक है।
अगर आपने लेखिका अनुमिता शर्मा की अन्य पुस्तकें पढ़ी हैं तो आप उनके पूर्णतावादी (पर्फेक्शनलिस्ट), कल्पनाशील (इमैजिनेटिव), अनूठे (यूनिक) और सशक्त (पावरफुल) लेखन से परिचित होंगे। वे वर्त्तमान समय के उन महानतम लेखकों में शामिल हैं जिन्हे समाज अभी भी जानने की प्रक्रिया में है और जिनकी प्रतिभा को उचित पहचान मिलना शेष है। उनकी रचनाएँ वास्तविकता और अलौकिकता की सीमाओं से परे, भावनाओं और प्रेक्षणों के एक अद्भुत संसार का सृजन करती हैं। लेखिका भाषा पर सटीक पकड़ और अपनी एक अनूठी अवलोकन शक्ति के सहारे लिखी हुई रचनाओं से पाठकों को निरंतर आश्चर्यचकित करती हैं।
'साँवला सितारा' विषयवस्तु में एक 'रोमांटिक उपन्यास' ही है और आजकल युवावर्ग में लोकप्रिय हो रहे मास-सेलिंग रोमांटिक नोवेल्स के दौर में, जहाँ अधिकांशतः अंग्रेजी नोवेल्स का बोलबाला है, अपनी पहचान बनाने योग्य है।
मैं लेखिका की अवलोकन शक्ति का बहुत बड़ा प्रशंसक हूँ और यहाँ इस उपन्यास से चुने हुए अपने पसंदीदा कुछ उद्धरण पेश कर रहा हूँ।
"उसने लाल पगड़ी और क्रीम कलर की शेरवानी पहनी थी, मगर उसके ज़र्द चेहरे पर अजीबोगरीब भाव थे, जैसे वह उस उन्मादित सैलाब के हर कोने से किसी आपदा की उम्मीद कर रहा हो, लेकिन अगर वह किसी तरह अपने स्थान पर चिपका रहा, तो वह खतरनाक समय बीत जायेगा।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"यही फ़र्क़ है शादी करने और प्यार करने में।" मैंने अजीब सी आवाज में कहा, जो मेरी अपनी नहीं थी, और मेरी आखों में आँसू आ गये। - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"सूरज गोधूलि की चाँद की तरह लग रहा था। दूर आसमान से पक्षियों और मवेशियों की आवाजें आ रही थीं। बादलों के मध्य से निकलता सर्दी का शांतिपूर्ण प्रकाश मेरे साथ चल रहा था। मैं जंगली फूलों, पौधों, घास और मेरे कपड़ों में उलझे कोहरे के इत्र को सूंघ सकती थी।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"हाँ", मैंने निराश होकर उत्तर दिया। बाहर का फलता-फूलता अँधेरा भीतर फैल गया और अंदर की बेसुरी धुन में मिल गया। कटलरी का शोर, संगीत के बीच का ठहराव, सन्नाटे को भरने की असफल कोशिश कर रहे थे। इस दौरान मैंने हैरानी से उसके मक्खन जैसे सफ़ेद और चमकदार चेहरे को बारी-बारी से पिघलते और लौटते देखा। वह चेहरा किसी मरे हुए आदमी जैसा था।
"देर हो रही है। मुझे जाना है। मैंने बिल दे दिया है।" और वह उठकर चला गया। ऐसे ही।
उसका उग्र व्यक्तित्व आँधी की तरह निकल गया। मुझे लगा जैसे उसने मुझे शारीरिक चोट पहुँचायी हो। - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"मैंने एक टिश्यू उठाया और अपने होठों पर ऐसे फिराया, जैसे कि मैं उन शब्दों को मिटा सकती हूँ, जो मैं बोलने वाली थी।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"वह ऐसा व्यक्ति लगता जो हर चीज से ख़फ़ा था। मैंने सोचा, उसके पास एक मौलिकता थी।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"समय-समय पर वह मुझे हैरान कर देता था जैसे कि वह एक रहस्य को सुलझाने की कोशिश कर रहा था या मैं कोई समझ से बाहर चुड़ैल थी और उसे नहीं पता था कि मेरे बारे में क्या करना है।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
"चोट बारह इंच गहरी होनी चाहिए।" - अनुमिता शर्मा, साँवला सितारा
यदि आप रोमांटिक उपन्यास शैली को पसंद करते हैं तो आप 'साँवला सितारा' जरूर पढ़ें।
- राहुल
Monday, February 10, 2025
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Thoughts: Making India Europe Again
A neighbor shared a picture of a housing society in his WhatsApp status, and it was surprising how European it was looking. I have been to Europe and this building looked like a modern European building in all aspects. It reminded me of how Indian builders love to give their projects a European sounding name. A large percentage of housing societies in India have English or French names these days. Even schools have such sounding names. Pretending to be European has become gold-standard in modern India. And it is so sad.
While visiting places, I notice the housing and architecture of the buildings and the speed at which our places are becoming bland and standard, is sad. At my hometown, at some distance from our home, someone has made a four storey building and each corner of the roof has a Hindu temple like structure. The peaks are painted in gold and the while rest of the building looks pretty standard, roof has been made to resemble part of some Hindu temple or Indian palace. I really liked it.
It is not difficult to make buildings and housing societies on the theme of Indian palaces (Raj mahals), forts or temples. It depends on how much efforts go towards which motive. It seems that currently, our entire nation’s building and construction professionals are trying hard to make India “Europe again”. If they spent similar efforts in making India “Bharat again”, we would be seeing more beautiful native landmarks we could be proud of.
I have seen the Legislative House in Bengaluru, which looks like a palace, and also read the inspiration behind it. It is designed in neo-Dravidian architectural style and includes elements of from various dynasties such as Chalukyas, Hoysalas and Vijayanagara. It is a wonderful building and it is Indian.
I hope people of our country stop this weird madness of trying to make India look like Europe again and give attention to our native architectural styles and use their creativity to make us all proud of ourselves.
- Rahul
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Life: Simple Honesty
During my last job, I had kept a picture in my Microsoft Office profile, which was about 6 years old. I kept the same picture after I joined my current job and one day I noticed it and felt that I needed to update my profile picture. I tried to take few selfies and realized a magical fact that our photographs turn out to be worse along with time. After struggling to take a good enough selfie, and selfie was a bad idea for a formal looking picture anyway, one fine morning I just took few selfies after taking a bath and wearing my favorite tshirt, and I felt it was good enough. I resized it to make it smaller, cropped it, blurred it just enough, and uploaded it on my MS Office profile picture.
My colleages immediately took note of it and spoke about it in the team meeting. I told them that my earlier picture was about 6 years old and hence I changed it. They seemed to like the new picture. During another call, my manager joined and other team members told him about my new profile picture and he mentioned a few words trying to be polite and happy, but including something like “at least some of us are getting old”. From that, I realized that I was looking older in this new picture; and it was completely fine for me since I was indeed getting older with time and there is nothing wrong in it. I remembered one manager from one of my previous jobs and she had loaded her college picture in her profile picture and never updated it despite completing 10 years on the job; and she said her inspiration was to keep looking like her college picture! Did she actually look like her 10-year-old picture? In her 10-year-old picture, she was laughing cheerfully like young people do, and perhaps the picture was cropped from a large group photograph from her college days. Everyone is happy in college days, even the bad people. In her current age, she was not really like her old days, but who was going to tell her that?
Coming back to my story; I was aware that the picture was not very good, and I was fine with it. Then one day while talking to my niece who was looking at how I was working on my laptop, she noticed my profile picture and said, “this is bad”. I was taken aback for a moment with her blunt honesty, but since she was right about it and I am not too touchy about my looks anyway, I just took it as honest feedback. I am planning to change my profile picture now.
End of the story is that I was touched with my niece’s raw honesty.
There is something very good about “simple honesty”.
- Rahul
Thursday, January 2, 2025
New Year Resolutions
Over last few years, I have tried to think of “new year resolutions”, and as it typically happens, not much of those have been achieved as exactly planned. Last to last year, I wanted to start my old habit of reading again and I indeed did well in that year. Last year I wanted to improve upon it and totally failed. I would like to catch up again and I need to finish all the books I have already purchased over the past.
Last year in 2024, I also wanted to catch up with my old practice of visiting temples and although I totally forgot about this resolution later, I think I did well on this account during the year.
I also planned to post at least 100 blog posts in the year, and I indeed have posted exactly 100 posts during year 2024. I wanted to stop traveling much, and I have done drastically bad on this goal, and thank God for that. All through the year, I have travelled, and I loved it.
For 2025, I want to keep up with my habits of reading, writing and visiting places – few things I love. Apart from that, my major focus will be to bring routine to my daily life, with disciplined eating and taking care of health.
These days, I am trying to reduce my carbon footprint and to keep old world alive away from modern humdrum as much as possible. I have realized how modern lifestyle and modern businesses are destroying our nation’s health and wealth both, and we are largely unaware of it. When I visit smaller places, I realize how life there is still saner as compared to the cities. While returning to the old world may not be possible, to the extent possible, we can still “resist” the mad rush of soulless modern world. I would like to continue these explorations during this year too.
- Rahul