Sunday, October 26, 2014

Temple in Haidar's Bismil Song

You must have seen ruins of this ancient temple in Haidar's Bismil song and did you wonder? This is Martand Sun Temple of Anantnag. It is one of the only two Sun Temples in India, the other being in Konark, Odisha. The temple was built by King Lalitaditya Muktapida around 725-756 AD. The temple was completely destroyed by Sikandar Butshikan in early 15th century. It took one year for Sikander Butshikan to fully damage and destroy it.

You can search google on this topic; Historians account: During his rule Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam and were massacred in case they refused to be converted. And Sikandarpora (a city laid out by Sultan Sikandar) was laid out on the debris of the destroyed temples of the Hindus. In the neighbourhood of the royal palaces in Sikandarpora, the Sultan destroyed the temples of Maha-Shri built by Praversena and another by Tarapida. The material from these was used for constructing a 'Jami' mosque in the middle of the city. Towards the fag end of his life, he (Sultan Sikandar) was infused with a zeal for demolishing idol-houses, destroying the temples and idols of the infidels. He destroyed the massive temple at Beejbehara. He had designs to destroy all the temples and put an end to the entire community of infidels.

In his second Rajtarangini, the historian Jonraj has recorded, "There was no city, no town, no village, no wood, where the temples of the gods were unbroken. When Sureshavari, varaha and others were broken, the world trembled, but not so the mind of the wicked king. He forgot his kingly duties and took delight day and night in breaking images."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Interesting movies...

Jane: Damon? How many fingers?
Damon: Orange.


Damon: You see, Fred, it isn't the size of a guy's IQ that matters. It's how he uses it.


Fred Tate: After a while I was the most famous kid at Jane's school. But then a year later, a 6 year old boy named Willie Yamaguchi got into law school, and suddenly I wasn't such a big deal anymore. But I don't care, because I was happy.

Narrator: When you're really really poor, everything you see is something you can't have.

Narrator: When you have very little, whatever you lose pains much more. (not sure about exact words)

Dexter: Suppose you kept going another 18 billion light years, what if there's nothing out there? Suppose you kept going another trillion times further, so far out you see nothing. The light from the universe would be fainter than the faintest star. Infinitely cold. Infinitely dark. Sometimes if I wake up and it's dark, I get really scared, like I'm out there and I'm never coming back.

Erik: Here, hold onto this when you sleep. And if you wake up and you're scared, you'll say, "Wait a minute. I'm holding Eric's shoe. Why the hell would I be holding some smelly basketball shoe a trillion light years from the universe? I must be here on earth, safe in my sleeping bag, and Eric must be close by."


Erik: Hey! What would you do if I come over there and whopped your ass?

Dexter: How long would that take?

Erik: 'Bout 10 seconds.

Dexter: I'd wait till you're finished and then I'd continue working on my mud fort.

Erik: You mean you'd just let me beat you up?

Dexter: I'd try to stop you but I probably wouldn't be able to, I'm not very big.

Erik: Well in that case it'd only take 5 seconds.

Dexter: So is that what you're gonna do?

Erik: Maybe later.

Dexter: Hello? You still there?


Jessica Riggs: Alright for you, Carol Wetherby! You are not my friend anymore!
Carol Wetherby: What did I say?
Jessica Riggs: That there was no Heaven!
Carol Wetherby: So?
Jessica Riggs: [tears up] What about my mother, then?


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Diwali!

Eat healthy, play safe, buy made-in-India, and enjoy! 
May your life be filled with all the happiness of the world! 
Happy Diwali! 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

विभिन्न रूपों में श्रीमाँ

कालीघाट में भद्रकाली का दर्शन करने के बाद माँ पैदल नकुलेश्वर की ओर जा रही थीं। मार्ग में गेरुआ-धारिणी, त्रिशूल-हस्ता भैरवी उनका रास्ता रोककर खड़ी हो गयीं। कुछ देर माँ के मुँह की ओर निहारने के बाद भैरवी गाने लगी। माँ चित्रलेखा-सी खड़ी रहीं। भैरवी का भजन सुनने के लिए रास्ते में भिखारियों और यात्रियों आदि की भीड़ लग गयी। वे गा रही थीं- 

ओ पार्वती, बता, तू पराये घर में किस प्रकार रही 
कितने लोग कितना कुछ कहते हैं,
सुन-सुनकर मेरे प्राण निकलने लगते हैं॥ 
माँ के प्राणों को भला धैर्य कैसे मिले,
क्योंकि सुना है कि जमाई भिक्षा किया करता है! 
इस बार जब शिव तुझे लेने आयेंगे,
तो कह दूंगी कि पार्वती घर में नहीं है॥ 

भजन समाप्त होने पर माँ के संकेत पर भैरवी को पैसे देने को तैयार होने पर उसने मना करते हुए कहा, "जिससे जो प्राप्य हो, उससे वही लेना चाहिए, माँ। तुमसे जो लेना है, वह मैं स्वयं ही ले लूंगी। तू जहाँ जा रही है, जा।" माँ आगे बढ़ीं। मैंने देखा कि रास्ते में जहाँ माँ के चरणों की धूलि पड़ी थी, भैरवी ने उसे उठाकर अपने सिर पर धारण किया और चली गयी।

नकुलेश्वर पहुँचकर माँ दर्शन करने नहीं गयीं। नलिनी, राधू, छोटी मामी और गोलाप-माँ को दर्शनार्थ जाने को कहकर वे स्वयं एक चबूतरे पर बैठी रहीं। अपने आप में डूबी बैठी रहीं। गोलाप-माँ आदि ने लौटकर जब उन्हें कई बार पुकारा, तब वे उठीं और अनमने भाव में गाड़ी में बैठ गयीं। सारे रास्ते वे कुछ नहीं बोलीं। घर लौटकर उन्होंने पूछा, "वह भैरवी कौन थी?" मैं बोला, "लगता है गिरीशबाबू के थिएटर की कोई रही होगी, इस समय ऐसी हो गयी है।" माँ  विशेष कुछ नहीं बोलीं, 'ओह!' मात्र कहकर चुप हो गयीं। 


साभार: "विभिन्न रूपों में श्रीमाँ", विवेक ज्योति (पत्रिका), अक्तूबर अंक, पृष्ठ ४६५
मूल: बँगला ग्रन्थ 'श्रीश्री मायेर पदप्रान्ते', खंड २ से, अनुवादक श्रीमती मधूलिका श्रीवास्तव।

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I, Ram

In early childhood we did not have TV at home. But perhaps the Gita Press' pictorial Ramayana (Baal Chitr Ramayan) given by grandpa was enough to inspire real imaginations. So I used to see long dreams where I was Ram, my younger cousin was Lakshman; and we fought battles with the demons...

Very conveniently I dreamed about the phase when young Ram and Lakshman were with Guru Vishwamitra and killed demons; so that there won't be need for Sita at that stage :) 

We killed many demons; only problem was that hands did not move swiftly and we fought like in slow motion... 

When we came back home victorious, our mothers Kaushalya, Sumitra (with faces of our real-life mothers) and others will greet us... Our actual home was our palace in the dream... 

What fun! Thank God, Ram Lakshman were victorious princes so we always won!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Till 12th I was at hometown with parents and then I started moving out for studies. Every vacation when I went home and grandma saw me, she called me and asked to sit beside her, and then she would ask something like, "mann lag raha hai wahan?" (hope you feel okay there). At that question I used to take deep breath and say "yes" - but I did not think that was really a question since I was away for studies and mann lagna or not lagna really didn't matter... I remember she used to feel deep sympathy for the reason that we had to travel and stay in distant cities... Now having grown up a bit, I wonder where do we find such kindness and genuine sympathies... Now a day no one asks if mann is okay or not... There are automated "how are you" greetings and robotic "I am good" answers. I discover how wise GB Shaw said "Youth is wasted on the young." If only we were able to touch, feel and respond to all the love and kindness showered unconditionally at us when we were young...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Book: The Only Fatherland

Most of us have read history only through school text books and hence our understanding of history remain juvenile even though we grow in age. With time each of us subscribe to any theory, no matter if backed up by facts or not, which suits our circumstances and convenience most. Often we try to prove theories by virtue of number of others who also subscribe to it, or by virtue of no opposition. 

Then I read two books by Arun Shourie and my mind was opened to new facts - of scientific inquiry which historians do - of facts which are reliable and others which are not. 

This one is essential to understand true face of Communists and their role around sabotaging Quit India Movement; supporting demand for Pakistan, slandering Gandhiji, Subhash Chandra Bose, JP and about several other events. 

Must read if you are interested in the subject.