Monday, July 23, 2001

Book Review: Getting Rich your Own Way by Brian Tracy

‘Getting Rich Your Own Way’: Achieve all your financial goals faster than you ever thought possible
By: Brian Tracy
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A lot of books have been written on the topic of financial wisdom. Most of these authors are self-made millionaires (some are even billionaires) and that gives the required confidence to both the authors and readers. Brian Tracy is one coming from such a background (I read that he started working as a laborer and when he became unemployed, he went into sales and the rest as they say is history). 
This book tells us the ways in which we can work towards our financial goals so as to get them faster. He starts with the psychology of success, and some usual stuff like miracles of compound interests. Then he says “change your thinking, change your life”, telling us ways to become what he calls “money magnet”. At places his methods are conservative, like he puts too much emphasis on saving (different from investing). But then he goes on to investing also and covers it pretty exhaustively. To give an idea, he goes to the extent of suggesting a way to make money like this: buy a house which is in bad shape at cheap price, repair and refurbish it with your own hands, learning carpentry in the weekends and practicing in the evenings, and then sell the house at higher price. The idea is amazing, though the methodology may not be acceptable to all. He also asks us to learn from the best and emulate them.
I found this book different and unique in the sense that though in the book on financial wisdom, Brian Tracy has actually tried to write a self-help book covering all dimensions of success. After all, if one becomes rich without inculcating the discipline to sustain it, there is no point in achieving it in the first place. I highly recommend this book to all.
- Rahul 
P.S.Some Links of interest:
Brian Tracy’s website:
Brian Tracy’s blog: 

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