Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unappy with Facebook's Lack of Privacy

Facebook has been known to be uncaring towards users' privacy. It has been a trouble for everyone who attempted, to successfully be in control of what we share and what don't want to; through mired privacy setting and policies. To add to the worry, a few days back when I tried to log into FB, it showed up these many pictures on the first page itself! Is this how Facebook wants to use our profile pictures and other stuff? Has it taken permission from these people before using their portraits? I am not sure. Even if it has taken permission, there seems to be no guarantee of what future awaits for all of us (well, those of us who use FB to be precise)!

I FB's new proposals to make privacy settings more less stringent is not only unethical but also unfair. Till a few weeks back whenever I opened up and found it written something like "It is free and always will be so", I always give it a second thought. How many promises need to be broken in order to keep a promise? We know that change is the constant thing in this world, but in what direction? FB already makes money through ads, apps and in other ways from corporates. It should not cross the line to the extent that people would simply get fed up and won't see any benefit of wasting their time only to quite using it some day in the future.

On the other hand, Google+ looks better with its system of circles and more user friendly settings, but we have got used to using facebook for a while and the switch is not easy. But I see facebook's policies harming the general trust in the public about using social networking sites and gradually people may simply stop using it and go back to watch TV - something they are more used to do anyway...

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