Saturday, June 6, 2015

Problem with Historic India - Bangladesh Land Swap Deal

Today, India PM Narendra Modi is in Bangladesh and he will be freezing an agreement over resolving land disputes by exchanging land pockets (enclaves) with Bangladesh. It will be a historic decision which will indeed prevent infiltration, disputes and inconvenience to people from both sides. Despite being a Modi fan, ever since I learnt about this plan I have been a little disturbed about it. What is the cause of concern? Before I come to that, let us understand what are these "enclaves" which the two countries will be exchanging?

Enclaves are small pockets of land belonging to a country which are completely surrounded by land of another country. The most common enclave in a way is the Vatican City which is completely surrounded by Italy. India has about 106 enclaves inside Bangladesh while Bangladesh has 92 enclaves inside India. It results in infiltration and extreme inconvenience to the people living inside these enclaves. To make it more complex, 24 of these enclaves are actually "enclaves inside enclaves"! These enclaves came into being around 300 years ago during wars between the Mughals and the King of Cooch Behar. Mughals won over certain regions but could not defeat certain local Cooch Behar Jamindars from their lands; similarly Cooch Behar King defeated Mughal forces but could not evict their soldiers from certain pockets and hence by the time a treaty was made, these enclaves came into being. Later, since East Bangladesh went to Pakistan, there could be no solution to this problem because of India-Pakistan rivalry and wars. Now let us see my dilemma about the land-swap deal.

The problem with the land-swap deal is that India is giving away more land to Bangladesh than she is receiving in return! Although the land size India is losing is only around 40 square kms. But still, our "mother India" is going to become smaller and it is an emotional issue for the patriotic population.

If we think of pure economics, this decision does not make sense. Why would someone give you a land worth hundred million and ask for another piece of land worth ninety; unless one's life or something extremely critical depended on it? I am sure even in the stone-age human beings did not do "barters" in this manner. So why are we doing it now?

If we think of the two nations, Bangladesh being one of the most densely populated nations needs land more than a big nation like India does. So Bangladesh may be able to gain more than India does by swapping land.

In international politics, such land-swap deals are associated with "monetary compensations". If we have to give some land to Bangladesh in order to simplify matters; we could take compensation. Some news reports say that Bangladesh was ready to pay compensation for the extra land it has to receive, but India said she won't take any. It displays a kind of "Big Brother" approach India naturally plays in the region. Although, India seems to have been blind eye towards how Bangladeshi political parties use the same "Big Brother syndrome" to build a public anger against India (to garner votes)! India sees such large heart gestures as her natural role; but the same largess is seen with suspicion amidst conspiracy theories about India being a ‘hidden aggressor’! So far India's foreign policies have not done anything to quell these fears. India could have been less emotional and more economics driven in order to appear like a neutral force in the region. But maybe then India won’t be like India!

There is another concern about the deal according to which more than fifty thousand villagers from both sides will be given an option to choose nationalities. I guess logically more people will choose to become part of India (since it is more economically prosperous), resulting in increase in population which is undesirable. There should have been a better way to identify nationalities.

I know that we can't really blame PM Narendra Modi government for this decision. In the past many other PMs including Indira Gandhi tried to do the same deal with Bangladesh but failed. PM Modi in a way is exerting his "strong" image when he is solving a "300 years old problem" which all past governments failed to solve. Still, India giving away more land than it receives does not make sense to me. 

I also understand that Indian governments “gifting away” lands to other nations is not new. Way back in 1974, Indira Gandhi virtually gifted an island of Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka. In an article titled “Island Lost” (S. Raja, New Indian Express, 10 Sep, 2013) for example, the journalist writes that Indira Gandhi gifted away the island as if it were her “family silver”. So perhaps Bangladesh deal’s loss is not a first or nothing new; still I think it is not a rational decision. I call it a failure of India’s diplomacy rather than success of it. 

My solution is simple. If India accepts monetary compensation for the lost land, it will not be enough. It will appear like a nation is "selling" land for money. I think Bangladesh should make up for the loss India is incurring by exchanging enclaves. Give us another forty square kilometers anywhere along the border you find suitable. Is this too much to demand?

What do you think about it? Let me know through your comments.


Anonymous said...

May not be completely agree with the reasoning of the concern. however i liked the solution part . :)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand much about these issues... But just know that what NaMo does, will be someway good for our nation.

Anonymous said...

Yea .. A land for land deal sounds reasonable n logical ..

Also instead of giving options to ppl to choose their nationality, we could HV rather resettled ppl of Indian enclaves in d properties vacated by the ppl leaving frm d Bangladeshi enclaves n vice versa .. N of course some monetary compensation to restart their lives

Anonymous said...

You have analysed it nicely and your concerns are genuine.

Anonymous said...

First you are wrong in two points. 1st Bangladeshi Political Parties policy. Political party like Jamayate Islami, BNP were anti Indian or you can say pro Pakistani but the situation changed in the last 5-8 years. People in Bangladesh don't believe all those anti Indian bull shits any more which political parties used before. Khaleda Zia's BNP is now eagerly wants to meet Modi and they are changing their foreign policy from anti Indian to Pro Indian. Besides, the present Shiek Hasina's government did a lot to control the terrorism in north east. You cant say that currently there is any anti Indian terrorist training center or anything in Bangladesh. And Modi understands that and that's why he did it. He doesn't want another Pakistan in the eastern front.

Plus when you become or want to become a super power, you cant play the role of big brother, you've to play the role of guardian. Thats my personal opinion.

Anonymous said...

How easy would it be to deport illegal bangladeshis without their government willing to accept them back. If some extra land can help change this, it will be worth it. Also, water scarcity in the subcontinent is a bigger issue than land. India wants to avoid China becoming involved in such future issues. Think it will work for the better unless Bangladesh stabs India in the back.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, we should negotiate for our fair share of land.

Anonymous said...

राहुलजी , ये तय-शुदा समझोता है , इसकी नींव वर्ष 1974 के 'इन्दिरा- शेख ' समझोते में निहित है, इस समझोते में 161 गाँवो की सीमाओ का निर्धारण अन्तर्निहित है . प्रधानमंत्री मोदीजी के बांग्लादेश जाने के पहले ही, भारत की संसद ने मई 2015 में इसे स्वीकृति दी है. PM ने इसका परिपालन किया है , समझोते पर मोदी जी का ट्वीट महत्वपूर्ण है : " इससे हमारी सीमाएं और सुरक्षित होंगी " . क्योंकि जिन गांवों की अदला - बदली हुई है , उन्ही गांवों से पश्चमी बंगाल , असम , मेघालय और त्रिपुरा में बंगलादेशी घुसपैठिये घुस रहे हैं ,अदला बदली होने वाले सभी गांव इन्ही प्रदेशों की सीमाओ के हैं . सीमाएं स्पष्ट होने से अब ये काम आसान नहीं होगा .आज ये घुसपैठिए तस्करी , नकली नोट , आतंवाद आदि-आदि न जाने कितने कुकर्म कर रहे हैं, ये कुकर्म आज हमारे लिए नासूर बन चुके हैं , दिल्ली में ये घुसपैठिये केजरीवाल के , प्.बंगाल में ममता के , असम में कांग्रेस के खासम खास लोग हैं, ऐसे में ये काम मोदीजी जैसा व्यक्ति ही कर सकता था . इस समझोते को बंगलादेश की संसद 1974 में ही स्वीकार कर चुकी थी, हमारी संसद ने इसे स्वीकार करने में 41 लगा दिए . काश, हमारी संसद ने इसे पहले ही स्वीकार कर लिया होता तो आज असम , दिल्ली , प. बंगाल सहित पूरे देश में , करोड़ों बंगलादेशी घुसपैठिये भारत के लिए समस्या न , बनते.. पर , हाँ .. राहुलजी ,मैं आपके राष्ट्रीयता के जज्बे को सराहता हूँ.