Saturday, February 2, 2019

#SocialNetwork: How to Delete your Facebook Account

It seems there is some confusing about finding the option to delete one's Facebook account; since the menu path does not show it at all. In order to delete your Facebook account, you can go to below link:

If you want you can only deactivate the account instead of deleting it; or else choose permanent deletion. Many users deactivate their account fearing loss of data and connections in case of permanent deletion; but end up remaining 'enslaved' to Facebook since they tend to return back and log in again after a few days/weeks. Hence, ponder over pros and cons of permanent deletion, take necessary backup beforehand and then make your final decision of deleting the account.

Remaining logged into Facebook and its excessive usage has taken a toll on many people's mental and personal wellness. And the recent privacy concerns and instances of users data being sold to third party apps and businesses for making commercial gains has dinned the credibility of Facebook a lot. This is why #Delete Facebook is a live and progressing trend on Twitter for long.

Have a nice day! 

- Rahul 

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