Friday, April 5, 2019

Television: Game of Thrones: Season 6

In Season 6 of Game of Thrones (GOT), Jon Snow's resurrection at the earliest episode was perhaps the most anticipated and debated event. It was the most satisfying also. 

Jon Snow: Arguably the most handsome face of Game of Thrones

In the first episode, if Myrcella's murder by poisoning was not bad enough, Doran Martell, the handicapped Prince of Dorne was killed by Ellaria with a knife to his chest. Doran should not have pardoned Ellaria earlier; giving her a second chance. To make it worse, Doran's noble and only son Trystane is also murdered by Ellaria's female mercenaries. Ellaria is one of the hated characters of GOT.

Sansa Stark's reuniting with Jon Snow was a great relief. And the war between Stark and Bolton armies (the Battle of the Bastards) was one of the best shot parts of GOT. Still, the part where Jon gets weighed down over the pile of dead soldiers while fighting in the war and gasps for breath appeared to be too much of an attempt for creating unnecessary drama. Also, the Stark army was not able to find a way out after being surrounded by the Bolton Army; this does not look possible given that they had Wun Wun, the a giant warrior from the Free Folks. Wun Wun could have just thrown away any such captivity by pushing through them. Also, it was surprising why Wun Wun was not armed with some giant swords or daggers and why he did not have a proper metallic armor. The Bolton soldiers were able to pierce the Giant Wun Wun through their arrows and it shows just a waste on the side of the Free Folks; if they had cared to get him some shield or armor. If Wun Wun had a giant dagger in his arms and also word an armor and a headgear, he would have defeated Bolton army single handedly. It was surprising that no one from the Stark army was ordering or asking Wun Wun to do anything and he appeared to be on his own.

Ramsay Bolton is one of the most hateful charcters in GOT and thank God he died. Before that Ramsay killing his own father Roose Bolton seemed like it was destined. Roose should have known much earlier what an evil character he had allowed to grow in his house; perhaps he knew but still ignored him since Ramsay was his only possible heir. After killing Roose Bolton the manner in which Ramsay killed his step mother and step brother who was a just born baby; was one of the most horrible scenes of GOT. 

Sansa Stark: A fine idea of a woman of character from Game of Thrones

Cersei Lannister destroying the Sept of Baelor by fire, killing the High Sparrow: This was a very satisfying event; Cersei finally behaved like a queen. Ever since the High Sparrow started treating the royalty like dirt; there was a sense of disbelief and the story looked 'unnatural'. Finally this was set right through the Sept burning. Although it was saddening to see so many folks dying in the fire. 

Cersei Lannister: Strong, weak, confused, hard-headed; idea of a complex character

Young King Tommen Baratheon's suicide was not convincing for me. The way he was, he should have been too much of a coward to take his own life. And if he had the guts, he would not have allowed the fenatic Faith Militants to do that to his mother.

Arya killing Walder Frey and his sons was another great event which set a lot of wrong things right. Felt proud of Arya for being able to do that. But before that, thank God the joke in the name of "no one" she was playing got stopped. She was the daughter of Ned Stark and it was disgraceful of the way she had put her whole life in the hands of a "no one". 

Arya Stark: Pray her unending suffering ends forever

And Season 6 continued the boring series of Daenerys Targaryen aka Khaleesi, the Mother of Dragons who kept fighting all the holy evils of this world including slavery. As I have said before, if Khaleesi's character was erased from GOT, GOT would become much more realistic story which grown up people would appreciate.

PS: Interestingly the most interesting character I came across in this Season was of Lyanna Mormont. It is wonderful how they found this perfect child artist Bella Ramsey who has played this role wonderfully. 

- Rahul Tiwary

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