Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thoughts: God is With US

Looking at injustices and all the wrong things (apparently) in this world, we may wonder where God is. For example, when someone accuses you of something and you fail to convince the other person. Or else, you yourself want to know what is true and what is not totally true since there have been conflicting thoughts in your mind. And hence you wish if you could talk to God for a moment and clear the things out. You wish it would have been so good if God was with you in a “communicable” state.

You may wonder if you can just apply your “mind” and get the work done. First of all, mind may not be the best thing to trust in many conflicting situations. As we know, brain stores information but the older the information gets, it is sent back in the database even to the “archive”. You would be able to recall some old things with some difficulty and some things would be totally inaccessible now over the years. But some data would be with you always, in clear terms. So, the mind works in terms of physical storage of information and is not something where God can live.

Hence, if God decided to live with us, where can he live? Would he go for the “heart” then? Of course, no. Our heart may want ice-cream in winter or may want you to smoke or drink. Heart can go wrong in many situations. So, heart can’t be trusted either.

Now comes “conscience”. Let us evaluate if God can live with us in or as our conscience. First, you can only talk to your conscience when you are truly with yourself. Next, your conscience can never lie to you. It will always tell you honest things, even if it is self-criticism. It can be recalled anytime and anywhere. That is why think that God lives with us in or as our conscience.

Hence, if you want to find out what you really want, don’t ask either your mind or your heart. If you want to find out if you like or trust another person or not, or what you really think about something, you can only trust your conscience. Talking to your mind can be too ‘heartless’ and talking to your heart may be too ‘out of our mind’.

Hence, I prescribe that we should talk to our conscience very regularly. We should talk to our conscience every day and in every situation. If we are clear in our conscience, then we shall feel light. Then we shall have no doubt and we shall not be confused about anything. Try it out!

- Rahul Tiwary 

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