Monday, June 22, 2020

Importance of Fathers: Things That Feminists and Leftists Won’t Tell You

In this weekend’s Dainik Bhaskar, an article was published on the occasion of Father’s Day. The article told a few facts about the importance of fathers; which opened my eyes. I had never read about these facts so far. There is perhaps no need to argue over the fact that today, our books, magazines, newspapers, TV programs, movies, songs, all are filled with stuff glamorizing mothers and women. And this should not happen at the cost of ignoring fathers and men.

Let me first summarize the points mentioned in the article:

1. The word “dad” for fathers has originated from Welsh word “tad” which also means father. The word “father” finds its origin in Sanskrit word “pitri”.

2. In the catfish species, the male catfish keeps the eggs in its mouth until children come out of those. It takes several weeks and the father catfish starves and remains hungry during that period. Similarly, male penguins tolerate severe hunger and cold in order to take care of the eggs.

3. As per a University of North Carolina study, mammals are genetically more similar to their fathers than their mothers. Humans are mammals too. Humans get the same quantity of hereditary traits from their fathers and mothers, but they “use” more DNA of the fathers as compared to mothers. This forms the basis of why families or lineages are run in the name of fathers.

4. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes several hormonal changes. Similarly, men also undergo hormonal changes. A father’s testosterone hormone level comes down, which helps him interact better with the mother and child.

5. 72.2% of the USA’s population thinks that absence of fathers in the families is a social problem. 32% children in the USA are being raised without their real fathers with them.

Reading these facts, our brain which has been conditioned by decades of gender-biased media exposure glamorizing women and defaming men should get some balance. Stuff like “Men are trash”, or “Men are irresponsible” are nothing but gender bias. Men should get their due respect in the society. We won’t create a better world by promoting only one gender (women) and defaming and guilt-trapping the other gender (men).

What do you think about above points? What are your conclusions?  

- Rahul Tiwary

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