Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Primal Influencer


In our village, a laborer was doing something in front of the neighboring house. There was some amount of grains which he was cleaning and keeping in a bag. I noticed that somehow a little kid, most probably his son was ‘watching’ him do the work. He would stand and look at what his father was doing. Then, the man took the husk and went to some distance to throw it away and the boy also followed him, saw him throw it away and came back. Then again he watched his father do some more work, followed him when he went to throw some dust at some distance and came back. The way this little boy of 5-6 walked behind his father and just kept watching him, without either saying a word, looked curious.

I remembered that when my son had come last time at around 4 years of age, he would do the same to me. When I came back from office, he would start following me wherever I went in the house. When I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and feet, he would enter and declare that he also wanted his feet and hands to be washed.

This phenomenon basically tells about the way small kids, especially sons are influenced by their father. And it is a lovely thing.

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