Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Children of Gold


While passing through a portion of lane housing poor people on its sides, I often come across their little children running around. They can magically appear from anywhere and everywhere and would run across the lane as if it were their own house. They have no concept of safety or discipline, and they are as reckless as childhood is supposed to be. And the most important trait is that those children are so beautiful!

While all kids are beautiful, somehow those children of poor families are more beautiful than the others. All of them are dark skinned, which only accentuates their beautiful face or eyes. Their unkempt hair flow like branches of a tree, or a stream coming out from the mountains. All of them are chubby, like most kids of that age are. All of them are dressed in a few clothes which somehow seem adequate in their own rights. And most importantly, all of them look happy.

While all kids are generally happy, somehow those kids of poor families appear happier than the rest. They are seen playing with one another, or often even playing all alone. And sometimes in groups. Sometimes their mothers are feeding them with some bowl or a glass; and most of the time their fathers are nowhere on the scene; perhaps gone away to work.

The presence of those children in this world is a kind of consolation for all things it lacks. Like presence of flowers in a garden, which otherwise seems just like abundant greenery and nothing more.

May God bless those little kids, whoever they are. May the world be a bit kinder to them when they grow up, because that is when all the problems start. May the narrow lanes keep them safe, and their tiny houses keep them warm, until they are ready to face the sun.

May the world be a better place than it is, without the kids.  

- Rahul Tiwary 


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