Thursday, June 22, 2023

Late Deepak Varma - Obituary/Tribute

While browsing through today's Times of India newspaper (New Delhi edition), I came across the obituaries / Tributes section on page-6 and below post caught my attention. 

First, the box was in yellow and going by the looks, the man in this B&W picture looked like some industrialist, movie actor or a celebrity. There was something written above the picture in beautiful cursive writing (who sees it in print these days?). I looked at the name - Deepak Varma and could not recall anyone. The date of his demise was in 2014. And then, there was a touching poem written below it: 

It was clear that his wife wrote this poem and published this Ad in his loving memory. That was so touching. 

I searched on the internet to find any news or article about him, but I could not. And then I came across another similar Ad with another poem published by his wife (widow) here on TOI in 2016. 

It should not be, but somehow it came as a surprise that the woman would remember her husband like this and write poems about him. From the years mentioned, it was clear that 9 years have passed since his demise, and he died in an old age of 72. His wife must also be very old now. 

It is also interesting to see that she chose this picture of his for the Tributes Ad where he looked at the prime of his health and wellbeing. Even I have kept a younger-days photograph of my grandfather at my home instead of his older days photograph. Though I did not see my grandfather in his younger days (since I was not born then) and I have his older images in my memories, but I thought it won't be fair to him to keep only his old-age image alive in this manner. 

Anyways, in this world where we come across cruel and ungrateful people so often, it was wonderful to come across this couple. Let them unit in next life and beyond if those wish to. May God bless them both. 

- Rahul 

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