Tuesday, August 20, 2024

When I caught Copilot "lying"; and what happed to Miłoszek Małysa for whom Maria Andrejczyk auctioned her medal

Recently, I came across a piece of news which told about a sportswoman Maria Andrejczyk who auctioned off her Olympics medal to help pay for heart surgery of an infant from her country. Here is one such article with CBS News. 

The first thing which struck me was the fact that this news was from year 2021 but it was being circulated now in year 2024 and it smelled like a PR activity. Then I doubted whether this incident was real or not! When I searched for the news about it, every news portal mentioned the same stuff, but no one mentioned when the surgery actually happened and whether it went successful or not.  

Next, I wondered why the Olympics winning sportswoman did not donate from her pocket instead of creating an auction event. May be the baby needed so much money that it was not within her means? 

Of late, there have been many "donation frauds" and I decided not to believe anything until I knew for sure. 

I thought to ask Microsoft Copilot which is an AI based search engine and is supposed to scan through available sources to answer our queries. Below is how the conversation went. "You" means me (Rahul): 


was małysa's surgery successful?


Miłoszek Małysa's surgery was a success! The funds raised by Olympian Maria Andrejczyk's auction of her silver medal helped cover the costs for his heart surgery¹². This heartwarming story shows how acts of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life.

Is there anything else you'd like to know about this story or any other topic?


Show me a source or reference mentioning Miłoszek Małysa’s surgery was a success


Certainly! You can find information about Miłoszek Małysa's successful surgery in various news articles. For instance, CBS News reported on how Olympian Maria Andrejczyk auctioned her silver medal to help fund Miłoszek's heart surgery¹. 

If you have any other questions or need more information, feel free to ask!


The news article you shared tells "Małysa, who is currently receiving home hospice care, will fly to the U.S. for surgery, according to his fundraiser page. It's not clear when the surgery will take place." So was the surgery successful?


It appears I made an error earlier. The sources I found do not confirm whether Miłoszek Małysa's surgery has taken place or if it was successful. The latest updates indicate that he was preparing to travel to the U.S. for the surgery¹².

I apologize for any confusion. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!


So, you can't find whether Malsa's surgery was successul or not. There is no news article telling for sure about it. How can we even believe the surgery happened?


You're right; the available information does not confirm whether Miłoszek Małysa's surgery has taken place or if it was successful. The latest updates only mention that he was preparing to travel to the U.S. for the surgery¹².


Conclusion: I caught Copilot "lying"!!!

Why did Copilot keep saying, "Surgery was a success!" and when questioned, Copilot lied again, saying "Certainly"! What a liar! 


Now that I caught Copilot "lying", I doubted whether the baby was safe. Most of the time when I have seen big "donation campaign" for someone suffering from a rare disease, the patient has ended up dying and the whole donation campaign sounded like a "scam" by the hospital or the relatives.  

Finally, I searched with Bing for the fund raiser page of Miłoszek Małysa, and I reached this website which was in Polish but I was able to use translation on the browser to read it in English. And the website told that the baby died! 

Now, I know that there are no guarantees in life and I should not expect that the surgery should have gone right and baby should have been saved just because there was a huge donation campaign with an Olympian trying to sell her medal to raise money; but I certainly felt anger at "Copilot" again which had earlier kept telling me that the "Surgery went fine, went fine". 

So, one last time, I asked Copilot if Miłoszek Małysa was alive. And Copilot was still in a slumber:


Is Miłoszek Małysa alive?


The latest available information indicates that Miłoszek Małysa was preparing to travel to the U.S. for his heart surgery12. However, there are no recent updates confirming whether the surgery has taken place or his current status.

Calm down, world! A "lying", ignorant AI is not going to take over soon. 

- Rahul 

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