Thursday, March 7, 2002

Book Review: Vedanta for the Common Man by Swami Sarvagatananda

‘Vedanta for the Common Man’
By: Swami Sarvagatananda
Advaita Ashrama
ISBN: 978-81-7505-331-1

This book is a compilation of lectures by Swami Sarvagatananda of Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Boston, USA. Some lectures were delivered at Massachusetts Institute of Technology around Jan 1981. And what a compilation it has become! I think it is one of the best books when it comes to explain Vendanta concepts to the uninitiated… Swami Vivekananda puts Vedanta to be ‘the future religion of the world’. When we learn about it, we can only be proud of the wisdom our Rishis shared with us and some of the greatest souls in Hinduism have experienced divinity first hand.

If you want to know and understand what Vedanta is, this can be the perfect first book on this journey. Highly recommended read to all.

- Rahul

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