Saturday, June 30, 2007

Divinity and Miracles

I have always looked with some awe towards miracles in real life. Not miracles of the nature, but man-made miracles, or chamatkaars. I remember one friend said to me that religion or spirituality is one thing and miracles are another. But I used to argue that as smoke didn't come without fire, there must be some merit in those who are able to perform these miracles. But recent trip to my home changed my perception forever.

My mother has never been a blind believer. She reasons into matters and has been a student of science. One day, a young man came to our home while she was alone. He said he had studied Astrology or Jyotish under some sage at some far off place (I don't want to name it here), and he had taken a vow to complete a major puja after collecting alms from ordinary people near his birthplace. When my mother enquired more about his studies, he asked her to test him. He asked pen and paper, and asked my mother to imagine a name of any flower. As my mother imagined, he wrote the name of the flower on paper. Afterwards, whatever my mother imagined in her mind, he wrote exactly that on the paper.

My mother was astonished! How could he do that? He must be 'some thing'. Then the young man himself started, 'One' has done a charm on your husband, because of that you people would suffer in near future. I can perform a special puja after I finish my mission, and the problem can be solved.

My mother now was in complete confidence of him. He demanded Rs 400, as I remember, for the special puja. My mother offered him Rs 101/-, which he accepted and went away after promising to return back.

Mother says that as she watched him go away, his manner of walking made a flashing realization to her that she had been cheated. Later she narrated the whole story to father in the evening. 

After some days, the young man visited our home again. He had brought something as prasad for us. Luckily, father was present at home, and he asked him to go away. He pleaded his innocence and honesty; but father was not moved. Then he demanded some thing, as he had traveled some distance to reach our place. Father obliged. 

After half an hour, while father was going out, he saw a curious thing in the neighborhood house: The same young man was talking to the landlady, and while he talked, the lady was wondering, from where a smell of liquor came. She was asking some men sitting nearby, as to who had come drunk!

Some days later, father saw the same young man on the railway station, completely drunk, lying with a bottle in his hand.

Now we came to know that ability to do miracles is no indication to divinity. Though I am still not very clear on the matter, but it seems that many people are able to do miracles if they learn it from some expert. But it is in no way an indication of their divinity. 

Can some one elaborate more?

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