Monday, June 11, 2007

This morning

This morning, like any other working day, I was walking to reach my office. At one junction, I noticed something unusual. There was a group of twenty something young boys and girls on the footpath. One boy was beating a man with slaps and fists. The person getting beaten was unshaved, with a plastic bag in his hand, the types of men who sit on the benches for some time watching the traffic and then move towards their destinations. He was not resisting, and taking as it came. One or two girls were saying something, and it seems the man had passed comment on any of the girls, so the male companions were proving their worth. In true spirit of Mumbai, I didn't stop and kept walking. I noticed one man reaching them, from the shop dealing in metallic scraps, which is part of the Muslim community neighborhood. Two minutes down the lane and I heard something which seemed to be two gun shots! But I have no experience to identify whether the sound was of pistols or some tire burst.

I passed in front of Eternity Mall. A dangerous and frustrated looking dog was looking from one side of below a car parked on the side of the road. I tried to find out what he was looking for. There was another dog sleeping on the other side, below the car, with his back all scratched to show some pink flesh.

How are we humans different from dogs?

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