Tuesday, December 7, 2010

View from the Top

Our flight was about to land in some time. Now land started to get visible from the window. I saw Mumbai. It seemed so tiny. As the plane got nearer to the land, now roads and buildings became visible. Nearer; and people could also be seen.

Our earth is only a small planet rotating around one star in this giant universe. On this earth, a city like Mumbai is only like a dot. In that dot, a house or a building is such a miniscule structure. And in that building, one flat or apartment is of such a trivial existence. And for that ‘small’ building; and that one from among millions of cars; and that 1/thousand of a dot of land, we race to become ‘inhuman’ to earn ‘enough’ money!

Life should be more than this race into oblivion.

- Rahul

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