Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Book Review: Law of Attraction, by Michael Losier

‘Law of Attraction’
By Michael Losier
Hodder Mobius Publication

If you have read “The Secret” (by Rhonda Byrne), this book becomes evident. Yet it can reveal some things you missed in that book. When I started reading it, I thought it came from the same author, and when I realised it was from another, I wondered why. Because if I start comparing, I see it as a sequel to The Secret and see some problems with authenticity. Leaving that aside, the book contains a powerful belief or theory which tells “like attracts like”. Law of Attraction can be defined as:

“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative.”

If you fully believe on this philosophy, your life would change completely, as would change the lives of people around you. Then you won’t make negative statements (to put it according to this philosophy, I would say: “Then you would make positive statements”) about the things happening around you. The positive feelings inside you would attract more positive things to you, and you would end up being more positive and getting more of what you want to get (and less of what you want not to). I find this philosophy very powerful and worth our attempt.

Do you meet or hear someone and feel an instant connect? Or do you meet someone and instantly dislike him/her? The author says it is because we either are at the similar level of energy as the other person, or at a different level. So if we meet a person with equal energy level we would feel good, and if we meet a person of lower energy level, s/he may ‘drain us out’ to match his/her own energy levels. This is why we say, “He gives off good vibes”, or “this neighbourhood gives me negative vibes”. Interestingly, even children are comfortable with identifying good and negative vibes.

Another main feature of this book is that it actually tries to teach us a ‘formula for deliberate attraction’. Author’s thoughts are logical and the book is written in a very simple precise manner. It also has exercises and worksheets for us to make use of. It is has near 140 pages and can be finished in a single day of leisure.

A very good book I would recommend to all.

- Rahul



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