Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A.Word.A.Day from Wordsmith.org

This morning I got an email from Wordsmith.org asking me to verify my subscription to their email list. I have been subscribing to “A Word A Day” service for many years now and they were verifying the ID for housekeeping purpose. It reminded me to know more about the service.

Anu Garg was born and brought up in Uttar Pradesh, India. Until entering the class 6th in school, at the age of 9, he did not have learning of English. He went to the USA to study computer science. At that time in the 90s, internet came up and opened a whole new world in front of everyone. He started Wordsmith.org, a community of people who enjoy words. You can read more about him and his endeavor here [Ref1], [Ref2] or check the website itself http://wordsmith.org/awad/about.html 

You can check the Subscription page here. There is also one free service which you can subscribe [here] or just send an email to wsmith@wordsmith.org with the subject line as: “subscribe your name”. (remove inverted commas and replace "your name" with your name)

Most of his subscribers are from outside India. He is based in the US and has been running Wordsmith for 18 years now. He has also authored three books on words. He considers himself a lifelong student of English Language. When he was asked how being Indian helped him, he said, “In India there’s huge competition to succeed. People realize that good education is the key that opens doors to a better life”. When asked how people can be made interested in words, he says etymology helps. “When you see that ‘pavilion’ is like a butterfly spreading its wings (from Latin papilio: butterfly) it’s easy to fall in love with words”.

It is wonderful to know more about Anu Garg and his wonderful journey, of which even I am part at least for last 7 years…

- Rahul

Note: Views are personal and do not represent views of any organization associated with the author. [Detailed disclaimer] Pic [Ref]

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