Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thoughts: Successful Singles and Future Human Race

Sometimes I come across some very successful people and celebrities who are exceptionally well in their respective fields but have chosen to either not marry or not to have kids. They are certainly busy, enjoying life and enjoying their success. May be family life would complicate matters for them or else they may have diverse reasons for their situation. I do not want to think negative about them, since they must have reasons for their decision. But then, after all is said, there is one aspect which troubles me. All other living beings try their best to pass on their best to the next generation. This is how species have survived. Each living creature has an inherent desire to procreate and leave his or her offspring when one disappears after death. And for the benefit of the future generations, human race would certainly want that the best of the lot produce children. The weak or those who are not so fit may skip it and there won’t be so much of loss to the human race. But if the best of the lot skips it, that would be a loss in entirety. 

At this moment I may be sounding like pointing to the Spartans. But the Spartans had taken it to the extreme and we may not need to follow them in that manner. But still, it would help humanity of the best and noble people produce children for the future generations. Then I think about those who do not. Think about Swami Vivekananda for example. Due to his celibacy and missionary work, he never got married and left this world at the age of only 39. On the other hand, Rabindranath Tagore had 5 children (out of whom 2 had died). His son Rathindranath Tagore was also an accomplished intellectual and served as the vice chancellor of Vishwa Bharati University. 

I know there are complexities and there are no guarantees in life. Even if an offspring is born, due to many other constraints there is no guarantee that he or she would inherit the qualities of the parents. But still, there is chance and there is hope. If there is no children, there is zero chance and hope. 

On the other hand, weak, negative and malicious people are often found to be not uninterested in married life or in procreating. It is common sense that if good people do not make children and bad people do, earth will be doomed subsequently. This same sentiment is being voiced at times by people in those European countries where White population is reducing since marriages are either failing or not happening at all; or if happening then there is no interest in having kids. On the surface this may look like an act of “selfishness” – since materialistic people would find kids as hindrance to their life of indulgence; but it is more than that. 

I would not be stupid to pass judgements on anyone, but collectively at times the current trend and situation looks not so good. 

- Rahul Tiwary

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