Saturday, January 22, 2011

Michelle Obama proves Women as Eye-candy

I was reading the news about Chinese President Hu Jintao’s recent US visit. The newspaper had come out with a colored snap of Obama couple along with Hu Jintao. I was shocked to see the dressing sense and choice of appearance of Mrs. Obama.
Have searched the pictures from net and posting here:

While searching for the pictures, I also read the media discussing her dress, its color, and its designers.

When Barack Obama became the US president, Michelle Obama had quit her job and chosen to almost become a fashion model and a host. Since then, all the news she makes are about her designer clothes. At that time I had criticized her for choosing to become a “President’s Wife” rather than maintaining her own identity. Her gesture made other male-chauvinists justified – as soon as they start earning well, they make their wives quit their jobs. How was Michelle different, other than her choosing it instead of her hubby forcing her into it? 
Just viewing these pictures makes me feel bad. What is Michelle Obama trying to prove? If all she wants is for people to praise her ‘beauty’, in my view she looks ugly and inappropriate in her pictures. Her choice of dress for the occasion is pathetic and Chinese president and Barack Obama are looking awkward in her dominating but abject presence.
I wish Michelle Obama could have inspired women across the world, by not choosing to be an ‘eye-candy’ for men. 

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