Saturday, May 10, 2014

Besan Laddus and My Need to be Right

Discovered a pack of 'Besan Laddus' lying on the dining table. As if to encourage my temptations further the pack was already unsealed. I started by tasting one laddu, and the next ones started testing my capacity. But I made sure not to touch the last piece. When wife came in, I proudly announced that I had left one laddu for her. This process repeated itself every time a pack of sweets was found on the dining table. I noticed that even after doing this theft, I was keeping a moral high ground focusing on the fact that I controlled my temptation and sacrificed the last piece of sweet for wife. Not sure if it was ethical or unethical but I think it can be called creative for sure. So the eaten laddus satisfied my taste buds and the last one standing satisfied my need to be morally right. Perhaps this is why it is so difficult to differentiate between good and bad, true and false, ethical and unethical, because we are partially all?

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