Friday, November 19, 2010

Donating Old Clothes through Goonj

Donating old clothes to the ones who need it but can’t afford, is a noble idea. Many times we donate old clothes to the nearby maids / servants / security guards. But at times, they are not so poor to accept those. Hence, we wonder what to do with the old clothes which get discarded every year. There are some NGOs who can help us in this regard.
Goonj is one such NGO. It runs a campaign called “Vastra Samman” - which helps the poor with old clothes donated by us. I have donated old clothes through them when I was in Mumbai. So I thought to share this with you too.

You can search the website to find out Collection Centers in your city. Or just visit the homepage and click on “GOONJ Offices & Dropping Centres” on the left hand side menu.

There are some guidelines for donations, e.g. all donated clothes should have been pre-washed. Please go through the clothes donation Guide Lines and other details about the NGO at:

I hope you would make use of this facility.

- Rahul


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the information

Unknown said...
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Rahul said...

Hi Garima,

On Goonj's website I find their collection center office address in Kolkata as follows:

Goonj Kolkata, Plot-AA-8,
Prafulla Kanan (West), Kestopur,
Kolkata - 700101

Contact persons:
Mr. Iftikar/Ms. Arpita
033-40047907, 9748691735, 8420493820


Anonymous said...

732I checked their website. No collection centre in Goa. Can you tell me how I can donate in Goa?