Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Disturbing Trends...

Some trends are weird - never expected things to change so fast... So many companies in the developed world are firing their employees who have done 10, 15, 20 years of loyal service, and outsourcing the roles to half-baked professionals in poorer countries (to save bucks)... And so many companies are hiring only women; sometimes it is written sometimes not, but jobs are going to males only if and when no female candidate remains in the list for long enough... In a way these trends are creating a level-playing field as a larger picture... But for the mass-firings in developed countries my heart goes for those men who suffer without any mistakes on their part... Many of them don't find another job easily... Don't know when this madness stops and there is some balance... One man should not need to become poor in order for another to become rich...

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