Saturday, June 1, 2019

Television: Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 6: "The Iron Throne"

Finally, the television series Game of Thrones came to an end recently. Viewers have debated whether the ending has been done abruptly without doing justice to the previous episodes. It does look like so. It seems they could have at least stretched both season 7 and 8 to full 10 episode length if they had wished. But it seems the makers of the show wanted to get done with the show for whatever reason. 

A few substantial things happened in the last episode or leading to the last episode. 

Daenerys became Mad Queen: 

The manner in which Daenerys changed from being a good queen to being the world's biggest threat and a dictator all of a sudden was unbelievable yet realistic. Power does go into the head of successful folks and it seems Daenerys was no different. But then no one ever guessed it before and it looked slightly difficult to believe Daenerys would like to conquer the world. But remembering kings like Alexander the great from history who actually tried to win over whole world, it seems possible. 

Jon Snow kills Daenerys: 

This was most shocking event; yet when he killed Daenerys, it looked natural culmination of events. Daenerys needed to be killed, if not by Jon then by Arya. But when Jon asked Tyrion if it was right for him to kill Daenerys and when Tyrion affirms that and Jon says, "But it does not feel right" - in that one sentence Jon Snow was resurrected into a cult figure that he was always meant to be. He was so righteous and it feels proud to remember his life story. I was rooting for Jon Snow to become King of the Seven Kingdoms and the way things ended, did not seem right. Jon had the most powerful right over the throne and yet others did not even think about him just because he had killed Daenerys. 

Melting of Iron Throne: 

It looked unrealistic for a dragon to be so sensitive that he would burn and melt down the Iron Throne in anguish after Daenerys was dead. The scene could be shown in an incidental manner; but it was shown that the dragon purposefully melted the throne which seemed impossible. 

Election of Bran Stark as King: 

This was another illogical outcome. By all accounts, he could have served an important role in the new kingdom but for him to be elected as King was something which went overboard. 

Jon Snow becoming no one: 

In the end Jon Snow went where he started from. It was a perfect anti-climax but an unpleasant one. If the show makers had shown him dying in the battlefield, it would have looked more graceful. But the final fate looked absurd and too much over-thought. 

Arya becoming an explorer: 

Another disappointment. She could have become the Queen or a future queen. Although being an explorer also suited her; but if someone would still go to explore new things after being "no one" and going through hell becoming "no one", it is unlikely. There has to be a full stop somewhere. 

Sansa Stark becoming Queen of the North: 

This was good. Although I expected greater role for Sansa but as the Game of Thrones moved towards its end, Sansa's role was gradually clipped. It was a disappointment not to see her achieving much greater things than she actually got as consolation prize. 

After all, it does feel the ending story of Game of Thrones could have been made much better. 

- Rahul Tiwary

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