Monday, December 10, 2001

Book Review: Maverick by Ricardo Semler

By: Ricardo Semler
Arrow Books
ISBN 978-0-712-67886-5

Semco has been one of Latin America’s most successful and fast growing companies, best known for its innovative and democratic business practices and philosophy. The credit to all goes to Ricardo Semler who grew the company with himself. This book, first published as Virando a PrĂ³pria Mesa ("Turning Your Own Table") is a best seller in which Ricardo spills the beans about his company and its practices.

The book captures the historical growth of the company. For this purpose, Semco and Ricardo Semler are no two separate entities but one. Reading about his ways and the kind of revolutions he made in the way businesses are conducted, I had to consistently fight my disbelief and skepticism. Semler has shown us that it is possible to run a company where every employee feels great about his/her job, a company which is most ethical in practices, where all employees are empowered irrespective of anything, where there are no hierarchies, and no rules and policies!

If you are interested in business management, this is one book you just can’t miss to read!

- Rahul

Here is a good capture of some stuff that make the Semco Way:

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