Monday, February 14, 2011

Add Sanskrit in Census Data

I received a noble request from a friend. Sharing it because I support the cause:
Dear All,
I want to bring your attention to the very important thing…
The census of India has come to the last stage now and at any moment the government officials will come to you to ask information about you and family …
The form contains some basic information such as your name, no. of family members and the languages you know…
While filling the details DO NOT forget to write SANSKRIT language against the Languages You Know …. Please.
Though we rarely use Sanskrit in our day to day activities, it is the oldest language of the human civilization and is the language of the Gods.
All our ancient scriptures & Vedas are in Sanskrit. Every year many scholars from various countries visit India to study this language.
Its now been a known fact that many of the words from other languages such as Hindi, English, Latin are borrowed from Sanskrit…
The sad story is that, this cultured language is taking its last breath. It has been found during the last survey that population aware of this language are only in few thousands. So the government might declare this language as DEAD Language.
Once declared as DEAD Language, the government will stop the funding and there will be NO further hope.
The only hope is YOU, the people of this country, can enliven the glories of this language.
If you think this is right step, do spread this message to your friends…

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