Saturday, July 13, 2013

How Belief in Rebirths makes an Ethical Society

Let us read what a piece of research published in Psychological Science titled Vividness of the Future Self Predicts Delinquency says:
Undergraduates who had gazed at their 40-year-old selves in virtual “mirrors” were 74% less likely to cheat for extra cash on a subsequent trivia test, says a team led by Jean-Louis van Gelder of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement and Hal E. Hershfield of NYU. This and another experiment suggest that one reason people make self-defeating choices such as engaging in unethical behavior is that their ability to imagine their future selves is limited. They’re less inclined to indulge in illegal acts if they can see vivid images of themselves such as the computer simulations presented by the researchers.
From the above research and observation it is clear that if a person thinks of one’s long term, one would do less of wrongdoing; and more clear one sees it stronger would be the determination not to do something wrong. Hence, we can say with confidence that those who would believe that they will be reborn on earth and their Karma would decide their fate in the next life also, would be less motivated to do anything wrong. This is why people in India are generally honest and have very strong sense of discrimination between right and wrong. Also, we can understand the occasional wrong or unethical deeds by people here with the fact that for thousand years foreign faiths have ruled over India, the faiths of Islam and Christianity both not believing in rebirths. So modern crime and occasional digression of parts of society can be seen as result of going away from the foundations of Indian culture which has always been rooted in Karma. Most religions and sects which came out of Hinduism, like Jainism or Buddhism, have Karma an essential part of their belief.

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