Friday, July 5, 2013

Will you marry an Entrepreneur?

I know it won’t sound populist, but generally the answer is "no". “No” is also my answer to hypothetical question :).

Why? Because you will always be an entrepreneur's second wife/husband; first is always his/her venture. They spend their best (young) years building the business and hence are unavailable for family and kids have to grow without them. Later on when age is gone and kids are grownup, and the typical entrepreneur is too rich, he may spend whole day drinking or touring the world, but by that time "time" has gone... So a glass of drink and some ulcers in stomach are one's companions near the end...

There will be many exceptions of successful entrepreneurs who did not deprive their family with time and care, but if exceptions are too less and generalization is too evident to see in front of us, we go with the generalization for our own personal wellness.


SuKupedia ™ :) :) said...

but isn't this is the case with lot of Professionals who work for MNCs too??

Rahul said...

Yes, it becomes like that for most of them too, but (1) They have a choice to change the situation. Often job switches after a level is done so as to get flexible work timing, or less stressful working hours. (2) They have at least Saturday Sunday off and hence can spend full day at home, except may be a few hours on phone/laptop and at times travel. (3) They have option to change position within the same company to get less stressful role, if personal life is too much impacted. But for entrepreneurs there is no option at all! Our company has paternity leave and most companies have maternity leaves. Guess what happens to entrepreneurs when it comes to child birth? This is why there is a growing pattern of such individuals choosing surrogate babies which most of us don't appreciate because of obvious reasons (it looks like ignoring a primary responsibility in life).

Anonymous said... don't marry a marry a person.

Famous last words.


Rahul said...

:)) So true... I can't disagree...

Why did they ask this question? I got carried away in a totally different direction :) Anyways, thanks for the wonderful points and comments on all posts...