Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thoughts: Seeing Conversion as an Isolated Incident with Personal Choice

A lot of religious conversions are being done by Christian Missionaries all over India. It has been going on since centuries and we can find mentions of its evils in the writings of Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda too. But every time you say something against it, there would be some people who would ask, “What is your problem if someone converts into Christianity? After all, it is one’s personal choice to follow whichever religion one wishes to?”
Well, if one converts due to personal choice as an isolated event, obviously no one will oppose or say anything. But there are people who want to say that hundreds of people just happen to gather at one church to convert; just it happens that they start getting a monetary assistance from next week onwards; just it happens by chance so that in the same Church another hundred converts every 3 months or so; it just happens by coincidence that the church is receiving foreign funds; and it just happens by chance that all these converted fellows start hating everything Indian. Everyone knows that all such things just don’t happen by chance but there is an organized effort with specific goals in mind to destroy ageless cultures and religions!
I wonder why some people don’t want to accept it? But I will definitely not allow them to get away with this facade of seeing every conversion act as one motivated by personal choice!

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