Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Warriors in a Truck

I want to share with you what I saw last night.  

Every day in our cement plant, fleets of trucks come and leave for loading and unloading material. Because of delay in loading etc, often the truck drivers and their helpers need to stay in the night near the 'truck yard'. This is what they go through: They take out stoves and utensils, which they always carry with them. Then they purchase something to cook or take out the leftovers with them. They cook food, each one, in front of his truck. They take their dinner there. And then, after spreading a sheet on the ground, they go to sleep......... on the ground.........., by the road side..... under the open sky........., amid mosquitoes..........   

I had seen this many times, but noticed it last night. The truck-driver that appears on TV ads, did you know their hardships? And when we enjoy a night's sleep, with ACs running, millions of poor people toil & moil to earn for their families. It made me feel bad, and I felt an urge to make a difference in at least one less-privileged life......."

- Rahul

[I sent this email to all my colleagues and all were touched after reading it. They appreciated my concern and asked me to send it to the plant manager also. I sent it to our plant manager and then talked to him. I requested him to build some quarters for the truck drivers. He said that it was a good idea but there is always a cost involved...]

1 comment:

Sincere Citizen said...

You sleep in A/c room ? thats not recommended in our growing power crisis and general environmental degradation.
Try switiching to coolers and fans.